
Tagged: fit

I had the honor to work with Milan Lucic in #Boston . He was one of the hardest #workers and #toughest #guys I’ve worked with. It doesn’t surprise me to see him push himself and keeping #boxing in his #offseason #regime. @edmontonoilers @nhlbruins @nhl @tommymcinerney www.fitboxdedham.com #fight #fit #dedham #boston #conditioning #hardwork #hardworkpaysoff #beast #bestofthebest #nofear #tough @unbreakableperformance

July 31st, 2017 | fit

I had the honor to work with Milan Lucic in . He was one of the hardest and I’ve worked with. It doesn’t surprise me to see him push himself and keeping in his @edmontonoilers @nhlbruins @nhl @tommymcinerney www.fitboxdedham.com @unbreakableperformance View on Instagram

#Repost @tommymcinerney . . . @bostonvoyager thanks for the interview and choosing Dedham's FitBOX as a Hidden Gem in the #Boston area. Click the link.. http://bostonvoyager.com/interview/meet-tommy-mcinerney-fitbox-dedham/ @fitboxboxingfitness www.fitboxdedham.com #boxing #fitness #gem #fight #fit #workout #exercise #weightloss #conditioning #stressrelief #mittwork #vip #bestofthebest #life #dedham #boston #trainer @bostonglobe @bostonherald @reebok @newbalance #athlete #offseason #crosstraining #work

July 31st, 2017 | fit

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#Repost @tommymcinerney . . . @bostonvoyager thanks for the interview and choosing Dedham’s FitBOX as a Hidden Gem in the #Boston area. Click the link.. http://bostonvoyager.com/interview/meet-tommy-mcinerney-fitbox-dedham/ @fitboxboxingfitness www.fitboxdedham.com #boxing #fitness #gem #fight #fit #workout #exercise #weightloss #conditioning #stressrelief #mittwork #vip #bestofthebest #life #dedham #boston #trainer @bostonglobe @bostonherald @reebok @newbalance #athlete #offseason #crosstraining #work

July 31st, 2017 | fit

@tommymcinerney . . . @bostonvoyager thanks for the interview and choosing Dedham’s FitBOX as a Hidden Gem in the area. Click the link.. http://bostonvoyager.com/interview/meet-tommy-mcinerney-fitbox-dedham/ @fitboxboxingfitness www.fitboxdedham.com @bostonglobe @bostonherald @reebok @newbalance View on Instagram

Always good catching videos on how professional Athletes use #Boxing as part of their #Offseason #training. The boxing #workout in so many ways can help you be a better athlete. @nba @trailblazers @damianlillard . #form #technique #fight #fit #speed #balance #conditioning #heartrate #Boston #Dedham #fitbox

July 24th, 2017 | fit

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#Repost @tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ www.fitboxdedham.com #boxing #footwork #sweetsceince #balance #fight #fit #movement #stressrelief #heavybag

May 4th, 2017 | fit

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Youths putting in work at @fitboxboxingfitness . #Boxing #fun #fitnessmotivation #fight #fit #exercises #workout #conditioning #training #smallgroup #sweetscience #skills #Fitbox #Dedham #Boston #youth #kids #active www.fitboxdedham.com

May 4th, 2017 | fit

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Sign up now for a free 1-on-1 session Private Adult boxing classes at www.fitboxdedham.com #getit #boxing #fitness #workouts #fit #exercise #dedham #boston #men #women #allages @fitboxboxingfitness @markboosh2 @booshlight

December 4th, 2016 | fit

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Free 1-on-1 Boxing Session at WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM #Dedham #Boston #Boxing #weightloss #conditioning #training #fitness #fight #fit #exercise #adult #youth #kids

October 21st, 2016 | fit

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Youth Boxing Fitness Birthday Parties at FitBOX, Dedham,MA. For more info please call (781)471-7104 or email at [email protected]. #youth #kids #boxing #fitness #exercise #birthday #party #fun #fit #Dedham #Boston #youthboxing

October 4th, 2016 | fit

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www.fitboxdedham.com SpeedBag – Where a heavy bag develops power, a speed bag develops skill. Striking a speed bag in a workable rhythm requires focus, coordination and speed. It's also an impressive cardiovascular workout, which can improve your circulatory health and reduce your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and similar disorders. The improved coordination may also help you in everyday life. #Boxing #fitness #workout #exercise #fit #Dedham #Boston #skills

October 4th, 2016 | fit

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