
Great work with @daleearnold putting in some solid rounds on the pads with trainer @tommymcinerney . #🥊 #boxing #mittwork #dedham #boston
Great work with @daleearnold putting in some solid rounds on the pads with trainer @tommymcinerney . #🥊 #boxing #mittwork #dedham #boston [igp-video src=""...

#Repost @tommymcinerney Great weekend being back and catching up with @freddieroach and the @wildcardboxingclub family and watching some great boxing in #LA with all their fighters getting the Wins . #bestofthebest #boxing @wildcardboxingstore @callum_walsh1 @kuchmen07 @marcodeckmann @pepereillybox @thestevenfeder
#Repost @tommymcinerney Great weekend being back and catching up with @freddieroach and the @wildcardboxingclub family and watching some great boxing in #LA with all their fighters getting the Wins . #bestofthebest #boxing @wildcardboxingstore @callum_walsh1...

@realmiguelacotto congrats on the induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame . @tommymcinerney @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub #boxing #champ #🇵🇷
@realmiguelacotto congrats on the induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame . @tommymcinerney @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub #boxing #champ #🇵🇷 [igp-video src=""...

What better Christmas stocking stuffer then FitBOX’s Special gift certificate for 3 private 1-on-1 Boxing sessions with Boston’s well-known trainer @tommymcinerney . For more info contact us at call/text (781)727-9503 or email at [email protected]
What better Christmas stocking stuffer then FitBOX’s Special gift certificate for 3 private 1-on-1 Boxing sessions with Boston’s well-known trainer @tommymcinerney . For more info contact us at call/text (781)727-9503 or email at [email protected]...

Just a few tools that will help you build confidence , conditioning , movement , patience , fitness and much more . Contact us today to schedule a free 1-on-1 boxing workout and learn more on how to start . @tommymcinerney #boxing #fitness #fight #fit #boxingtraining #bagwork #mittwork #sweetscience #Boston #Dedham
Just a few tools that will help you build confidence , conditioning , movement , patience , fitness and much more . Contact us today to schedule a free 1-on-1 boxing workout and learn more on how to start . @tommymcinerney #boxing #fitness #fight #fit #boxingtraining...

Train with the Best like the Best . Sign-up today to schedule your Free 1:1 Boxing session with boxing trainer @tommymcinerney . #boxing #boston #boxingtrainer #bostontrainer #boxingfitness #bostonfitness #dedham #fightfit #sweetscience #boxingtraining #trainer #fitness
Train with the Best like the Best . Sign-up today to schedule your Free 1:1 Boxing session with boxing trainer @tommymcinerney . #boxing #boston #boxingtrainer #bostontrainer #boxingfitness #bostonfitness #dedham #fightfit #sweetscience #boxingtraining #trainer...

At FitBOX The boxing workout is great for fat loss. Almost every boxing exercise will make you sweat. You can lose 2-4 pounds in a single workout if it’s intense enough. #boxing #boxingfitness #boxingtraining #bostonfitness #bostontraining #sweetscience #fatloss #dedham #boston #fitness #training #trainer @tommymcinerney
At FitBOX The boxing workout is great for fat loss. Almost every boxing exercise will make you sweat. You can lose 2-4 pounds in a single workout if it’s intense enough. #boxing #boxingfitness #boxingtraining #bostonfitness #bostontraining #sweetscience #fatloss...

At FitBOX Our Boxing workout is not only a great way to improve your physical fitness but also a fun way to challenge your mind and body. #boxing #boxingtraining #boxingfitness #bostontraining #bostonfitness #fightfitness #sweetscience #boston #dedham #training #fitness #workout #workoutmotivation @tommymcinerney
At FitBOX Our Boxing workout is not only a great way to improve your physical fitness but also a fun way to challenge your mind and body. #boxing #boxingtraining #boxingfitness #bostontraining #bostonfitness #fightfitness #sweetscience #boston #dedham #training...

Repost @tommymcinerney ••• Great to get the opportunity to meet one of the best in the sport of boxing @mannypacquiao and be able to watch train @wildcardboxingclub with @freddieroach . Best of luck on your retirement , Thanks for all you have done for the sport . #boxing #sweetscience @fitboxboxingfitness
Repost @tommymcinerney ••• Great to get the opportunity to meet one of the best in the sport of boxing @mannypacquiao and be able to watch train @wildcardboxingclub with @freddieroach . Best of luck on your retirement , Thanks for all you have done for the sport ....

#Truth #boxing @tommymcinerney #Boston #Dedham
#Truth #boxing @tommymcinerney #Boston #Dedham View on Instagram

If you have always thought about it , Now’s the time .. Schedule your free boxing session today with @tommymcinerney call/text (781)727-9503 or email [email protected]
If you have always thought about it , Now’s the time .. Schedule your free boxing session today with @tommymcinerney call/text (781)727-9503 or email [email protected] [igp-video src=""...
![#Repost @wildcardboxingclub・・・ Our friend and pro boxer Gaku’s GoFundMe link is still in our Instagram profile and @freddieroach ‘s Instagram profile. Here is an update on his progress … stay strong, Gaku! Keep your spirits up! @freddieroach … #Repost @yuki52s ・・・ *Update on Gaku* First thank you for your continued support! Gaku was able to undergo an arthroscopic surgery on his left shoulder on September 8th, it took more than 2.5 hours, but his doctor said the surgery went very well. His post-op process is going well too. Unfortunately, his debt hasn’t been reduced yet, and the fund so far couldn’t cover the total amount of surgery cost and associated expenses. Additionally, the post surgery recovery process would take about six months, with further treatments for neck and lower back pain other than mental health issues which are still problematic. Therefore, we thank you for your continued support, every donation is appreciated no matter the amount, each and every one helps. If you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.[LINK IN MY BIO] If you don’t know what happened to him, please take a look at his full story on his GoFundMe page. [LINK IN MY BIO] Thanks!! #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIhate #StopHateCrime @WildCardBoxing1 @WCBstore @FreddieRoach @dc_thunder_boxing @pandamartz chuchster75 @zavalaernie #wildcardboxingfamily #gakutakahashi #boxing #boxer #fighter #losangeles #california #岳たかはし #ボクシング #ボクサー #プロボクシング #プロボクサー #ファイター #ボクシングジム #ロサンゼルス #アメリカ #ワイルドカードボクシング #寄付 #クラウドファンディング](
#Repost @wildcardboxingclub・・・ Our friend and pro boxer Gaku’s GoFundMe link is still in our Instagram profile and @freddieroach ‘s Instagram profile. Here is an update on his progress … stay strong, Gaku! Keep your spirits up! @freddieroach … #Repost @yuki52s ・・・ *Update on Gaku* First thank you for your continued support! Gaku was able to undergo an arthroscopic surgery on his left shoulder on September 8th, it took more than 2.5 hours, but his doctor said the surgery went very well. His post-op process is going well too. Unfortunately, his debt hasn’t been reduced yet, and the fund so far couldn’t cover the total amount of surgery cost and associated expenses. Additionally, the post surgery recovery process would take about six months, with further treatments for neck and lower back pain other than mental health issues which are still problematic. Therefore, we thank you for your continued support, every donation is appreciated no matter the amount, each and every one helps. If you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.[LINK IN MY BIO] If you don’t know what happened to him, please take a look at his full story on his GoFundMe page. [LINK IN MY BIO] Thanks!! #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIhate #StopHateCrime @WildCardBoxing1 @WCBstore @FreddieRoach @dc_thunder_boxing @pandamartz chuchster75 @zavalaernie #wildcardboxingfamily #gakutakahashi #boxing #boxer #fighter #losangeles #california #岳たかはし #ボクシング #ボクサー #プロボクシング #プロボクサー #ファイター #ボクシングジム #ロサンゼルス #アメリカ #ワイルドカードボクシング #寄付 #クラウドファンディング
#Repost @wildcardboxingclub・・・ Our friend and pro boxer Gaku’s GoFundMe link is still in our Instagram profile and @freddieroach ‘s Instagram profile. Here is an update on his progress … stay strong, Gaku! Keep your spirits up! @freddieroach … #Repost @yuki52s ・・・...
Enjoy the Benefits of a Boxing Workout
Meet your fitness goals with FitBOX! Contact us today at 781-727-9503 (call or text) or send us a message via the button below.