
Tagged: mittwork

#Repost @tommymcinerney . . . @bostonvoyager thanks for the interview and choosing Dedham's FitBOX as a Hidden Gem in the #Boston area. Click the link.. http://bostonvoyager.com/interview/meet-tommy-mcinerney-fitbox-dedham/ @fitboxboxingfitness www.fitboxdedham.com #boxing #fitness #gem #fight #fit #workout #exercise #weightloss #conditioning #stressrelief #mittwork #vip #bestofthebest #life #dedham #boston #trainer @bostonglobe @bostonherald @reebok @newbalance #athlete #offseason #crosstraining #work

July 31st, 2017 | mittwork

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#Repost @tommymcinerney . . . @bostonvoyager thanks for the interview and choosing Dedham’s FitBOX as a Hidden Gem in the #Boston area. Click the link.. http://bostonvoyager.com/interview/meet-tommy-mcinerney-fitbox-dedham/ @fitboxboxingfitness www.fitboxdedham.com #boxing #fitness #gem #fight #fit #workout #exercise #weightloss #conditioning #stressrelief #mittwork #vip #bestofthebest #life #dedham #boston #trainer @bostonglobe @bostonherald @reebok @newbalance #athlete #offseason #crosstraining #work

July 31st, 2017 | mittwork

@tommymcinerney . . . @bostonvoyager thanks for the interview and choosing Dedham’s FitBOX as a Hidden Gem in the area. Click the link.. http://bostonvoyager.com/interview/meet-tommy-mcinerney-fitbox-dedham/ @fitboxboxingfitness www.fitboxdedham.com @bostonglobe @bostonherald @reebok @newbalance View on Instagram

At #FitBOX everyone get’s the experience of a great trainer / fighter relationship without ever having to do competition. WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM #Dedham #Boston #EverybodyWins #Boxing #Boxer @mannypacquiao #Boxing #Trainer @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub @tommymcinerney #mittwork #padwork #sweetscience #fitness #fight #fit #workout #skills #athlete #training #crosstraining

September 27th, 2016 | mittwork

At everyone get’s the experience of a great trainer / fighter relationship without ever having to do competition. WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM @mannypacquiao @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub @tommymcinerney View on Instagram