
#Repost @tommymcinerney・・・ Teaching that Sweet Science in the City. #Boston #Boxing #boxingtraining #SweetScience @fitboxboxingfitness
#Repost @tommymcinerney・・・ Teaching that Sweet Science in the City. #Boston #Boxing #boxingtraining #SweetScience @fitboxboxingfitness [igp-video src=""...

Back to school , Back to work !! Contact us today to learn more on how to sign up for a free boxing workout . Call/text (781)727-9503 or Email [email protected] #boxing #fitness #dedham #boston #boxingtraining @tommymcinerney
Back to school , Back to work !! Contact us today to learn more on how to sign up for a free boxing workout . Call/text (781)727-9503 or Email [email protected] #boxing #fitness #dedham #boston #boxingtraining @tommymcinerney [igp-video src=""...

Get that work and learn the Art of the Sport of boxing . Sign up today to schedule a free 1:1 boxing with @tommymcinerney at . #sweetscience #boxing #dedham #boston
Get that work and learn the Art of the Sport of boxing . Sign up today to schedule a free 1:1 boxing with @tommymcinerney at . #sweetscience #boxing #dedham #boston [igp-video src=""...

#Repost @freddieroach with @make_repost ・・・ #Repost @wildcardboxingclub ・・・ Additional post for pro boxer Gaku Takahashi … People have asked why Gaku did not fight his attacker. We were told Gaku chose not to fight back because “… he believes a professional boxer should never hit anyone outside the ring. Also, if he hurts someone, he might be suspended from the sport. Boxing is everything for Gaku and he has dedicated his life to boxing ….” His full story is on the Go Fund Me ( ) account set up by friends and boxing family. The link is in our Instagram bio/profile. We appreciate everyone that has reached out to Gaku with words of support for Gaku during his road to recovery … @freddieroach @dc_thunder_boxing @pandamartz @yuki52s @julian_chua @eddiesboxingcrew @iamspeedyg @pepereillybox @metheothadustin @luckyboy85 #wildcardboxing #wildcardboxingclub #thehousethatFREDDIEbuilt #boxing #family #boxers #fighters #trainers #prospects #contenders #worldchampions #fightfamily #boxinglife #fightlife
#Repost @freddieroach with @make_repost ・・・ #Repost @wildcardboxingclub ・・・ Additional post for pro boxer Gaku Takahashi … People have asked why Gaku did not fight his attacker. We were told Gaku chose not to fight back because “… he believes a professional boxer...

#Repost @tommymcinerney ・・・ #TBT With the best in the biz. #grandopening @zeechara33 @seids44 @nhlbruins #boston #offseasontraining #boxing @fitboxboxingfitness
#Repost @tommymcinerney ・・・ #TBT With the best in the biz. #grandopening @zeechara33 @seids44 @nhlbruins #boston #offseasontraining #boxing @fitboxboxingfitness [igp-video src=""...

@bromac114 putting in work @fitboxboxingfitness #boxing #dedham #family
@bromac114 putting in work @fitboxboxingfitness #boxing #dedham #family View on Instagram

#Repost @alyraisman ・・・ Thank you for the help & support. If you see Mylo please take a picture/video & call us immediately & share exact location. THANK YOU. We have gotten sightings but because there have been no photos or videos it is not clear if it is Mylo. Thank you for the help.
#Repost @alyraisman ・・・ Thank you for the help & support. If you see Mylo please take a picture/video & call us immediately & share exact location. THANK YOU. We have gotten sightings but because there have been no photos or videos it is not clear if it is...

Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th of July View on Instagram

Time to get back to work and train like the best with best . Contact us today to schedule a free trial session with Boston’s well-known boxing trainer @tommymcinerney . Call/text (781)727-9503 or email [email protected] #boxing #best #boston #dedham #fitness #exercise #training #boxingtraining #bostontrainer #bostontraining #boxingtrainer
Time to get back to work and train like the best with best . Contact us today to schedule a free trial session with Boston’s well-known boxing trainer @tommymcinerney . Call/text (781)727-9503 or email [email protected] #boxing #best #boston #dedham #fitness...

#bringiton #boxing @tommymcinerney
#bringiton #boxing @tommymcinerney [igp-video src=""...

We all have a fighter in us but a good Coach can bring that fighter out . #Boxing with @tommymcinerney #Boston
We all have a fighter in us but a good Coach can bring that fighter out . #Boxing with @tommymcinerney #Boston [igp-video src="" poster=""...

#TBT Getting that off-season Boxing training in . @bostonherald #ShawnThornton #nhl @nhlbruins #offseason #training #boxing #boston
#TBT Getting that off-season Boxing training in . @bostonherald #ShawnThornton #nhl @nhlbruins #offseason #training #boxing #boston [igp-video src=""...
Enjoy the Benefits of a Boxing Workout
Meet your fitness goals with FitBOX! Contact us today at 781-727-9503 (call or text) or send us a message via the button below.