Boxing News

Boxing News, Boxing Workout, Boxing Gym

Great working with @terrierwhockey today putting in work and letting them hands go . #boxing . Great group and I’m looking forward to watching them this season . #hockey #bu #college #boston #mittwork #fightfit #teamtraining @tommymcinerney @hawaipanese @watchy27

September 16th, 2023 | Boxing News

Please take a minute to read and learn about what this lil guy’s goin through . I’ve trained his mom for years in boxing and they are such great family and I know this lil guy’s a fighter . Thank you #thumbsupfordec #declanstrong #boston

September 10th, 2023 | Boxing News

@milan.lucic.17 Sharpening his skills on the mitt’s this morning. It’s great to have you back . #boxing @nhlbruins #Boston @fitboxboxingfitness @tommymcinerney @dave.boxing1978

September 5th, 2023 | Boxing News

Always thought of giving boxing a try , Well FitBOX is the place to start . Contact us today to give it a try . Call or Text (781)727-9503 or Email [email protected] . #boxing #fitness #workout #boxingtraining #boston #dedham #gymroutine #gym #sweetscience #mittwork

August 29th, 2023 | Boxing News

FitBOX’s Boxing training and some of it’s benefits not only for Athlete’s but for all Men /women and youths looking to make a change on feeling better mentally and physically about theirselves . Contact us today to schedule a free boxing session with Boston’s well-known boxing trainer @tommymcinerney . Call/Text (781)727-9503 or Email [email protected] #boxing #boston #dedham #fitness #bostonfitness #mittwork #fightfit #weightloss #bagwork #sweetscience #boxingtraining #training

August 28th, 2023 | Boxing News

You just never know who you will run in to. Worked along side of this guy training fighters for over 20 yrs , We had some great times 🥊. Jeff Leggett #Boston @theringboston #boxing @fitboxboxingfitness

August 22nd, 2023 | Boxing News

My nephews had a great time stopping by @wildcardboxingclub , spending some time with @freddieroach listening to his stories and also meeting @kingcallumwalsh . #boxing #LA @hollywood @brodymac114 @jbmcinerney @tommymcinerney #dedham #boston

August 6th, 2023 | Boxing News

It’s been a busy summer and back to school is coming up . Now’s the time to Sign up to come in and try a free boxing session with @tommymcinerney at Call/Text (781)727-9503 or Email [email protected] #boxing #boston #dedham #fitness #boxingfitness #fight #fightfit #mittwork #exercise #workout #loseweight #boxingtraining #boxingworkout #padwork #sweetscience #athlete #offseason

August 1st, 2023 | Boxing News

It was a honor to work with #37 @nhlbruins . Congrats on his retirement and such a successful career . #patricebergeron #offseason #boxing #training #hockey #nhl #stanleycup #bostonbruins #mittwork #sweatscience #boston #athlete #sports

July 25th, 2023 | Boxing News

Boxing is known as one of the top workouts on the market for men and women of all ages. Contact us today to try a free boxing workout and to learn more about FitBOX. Call/text (781)727-9503 or email [email protected] . @tommymcinerney . #boxingworkout #exercise #boxingtraining #boxingfitness #fitness #fitnessmotivation #boxingmotivation #cardio #conditioning #training #workout #sweetscience #punch #speed #boston #bostonfitness #dedhamboathouse

July 10th, 2023 | Boxing News