With kids not knowing if sports are gonna play or not we gotta keep them moving . Boxing is one of the best sports that can better your Footwork,speed,agility,conditioning,hand eye coordination, hand speed , movement . Contact us today to learn more at call/text (781)727-9503 or email fitbox@outlook.com
@tommymcinerney @bromac114

With kids not knowing if sports are gonna play or not we gotta keep them moving . Boxing is one of the best sports that can better your Footwork,speed,agility,conditioning,hand eye coordination, hand speed , movement . Contact us today to learn more at call/text (781)727-9503 or email fitbox@outlook.com
@tommymcinerney @bromac114

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Sign Up for a Free Boxing Workout!

Schedule your free boxing workout at FitBOX and give boxing a try!

Call or text 781-727-9503, email fitbox@outlook.com or click Sign Up and send us a message.