At everyone get’s the experience of a great trainer / fighter relationship without ever having to do competition. WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM @mannypacquiao @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub @tommymcinerney View on Instagram
Tagged: workout
At #FitBOX everyone get’s the experience of a great trainer / fighter relationship without ever having to do competition. WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM #Dedham #Boston #EverybodyWins #Boxing #Boxer @mannypacquiao #Boxing #Trainer @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub @tommymcinerney #mittwork #padwork #sweetscience #fitness #fight #fit #workout #skills #athlete #training #crosstraining
September 27th, 2016 | workout#Repost @tommymcinerney WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM ・・・ #Youth #Boxing #Fitness is a great way to teach kids patience, discipline, and self confidence at the same time they are having #fun picking up these important qualities without them knowing it. #Dedham #Boston #fight #fit #workout #sweetscience #kids #life #birthday #party
September 23rd, 2016 | workout@tommymcinerney WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM ・・・ is a great way to teach kids patience, discipline, and self confidence at the same time they are having picking up these important qualities without them knowing it. View on Instagram
Great work today from these 2 Olympic Gold medalist throwing some solid punches at #FitBOX #dedham #Boxing #workout #Boston @alyraisman @nastialiukin @tommymcinerney
August 26th, 2016 | workoutGreat work today from these 2 Olympic Gold medalist throwing some solid punches at @alyraisman @nastialiukin @tommymcinerney View on Instagram
Congratulations to One of my toughest clients Milan Lucic on signing with the @edmontonoilers @nhl #Boxing #offseason #professional #Athlete #Hockey #workout #fight #fit #fitness #inshape #Boston #Dedham
July 1st, 2016 | workoutCongratulations to One of my toughest clients Milan Lucic on signing with the @edmontonoilers @nhl View on Instagram
#Repost @tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ We all need to #punch something at some point to feel better . Sign up Now at for a #Free 1-on-1 #Boxing Session where learning #boxing helps you with the day to day #Life #Fight . #fitness #stress reliever #workout #fit #everyonefights #Boston
June 26th, 2016 | workout@tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ We all need to something at some point to feel better . Sign up Now at for a 1-on-1 Session where learning helps you with the day to day . reliever View on Instagram #dedham #boxing #truth #fundamentals #confidence #life #therapy #fitness #fight #fit #workout #athlete #training #Boston #everyone #benefit #youth #kids #men #women
June 25th, 2016 | workout#Repost @tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ #Boxing Cheaper then #Therapy #Boston #stress reliever #workout #fight #fit #fitness
June 24th, 2016 | #Boxing in #LegacyPlace #Dedham #fitness #workout #fight #fit #crosstraining #athlete #offseason #Boston #1on1 @tommymcinerney
June 23rd, 2016 | workoutGreat having this guy back in town and putting in the rounds as always.. @thorntonfdn @flapanthers @nhl #Boston #Athlete #offseason #boxing #crosstraining #workout #fight #fit #shawnthornton #Dedham #fitness @legacyplace
June 16th, 2016 | workoutGreat having this guy back in town and putting in the rounds as always.. @thorntonfdn @flapanthers @nhl @legacyplace View on Instagram