
Tagged: keeppunching

FitBOX has been known for building self-confidence to a lot of young kids in the past, So we have decided to start up our kids program again when these tough times are over. Please keep following us on #Instagram or #Facebook to see when sign-ups will be available. #Keeppunching πŸ₯Š #Boxing #youth #kids #fitness #exercise #selfconfidence #life #structure #building #boxingtraining #training #athletes @tommymcinerney #Dedham #Boston #igers #follow

April 9th, 2020 | keeppunching

FitBOX has been known for building self-confidence to a lot of young kids in the past, So we have decided to start up our kids program again when these tough times are over. Please keep following us on Instagram or Facebook to see when sign-ups will be available. Keeppunching πŸ₯Š Boxing youth kids fitness exercise […]