
Tagged: fundraising

There is just over 1 week until #AASF19! Join us along with the @nhlbruins and players like @krugtorey, @trask40, @cmcavoy25 , @chriswags21 and many other special guests at we raise money to help find a cure for Autism. Check out @autismawarenesssummerfest to purchase your tickets! #summerfest #boston #bostonevents #concert #fundraising #bruins #hockey #autism #nonprofit

August 28th, 2019 | fundraising

There is just over 1 week until AASF19! Join us along with the @nhlbruins and players like @krugtorey, @trask40, @cmcavoy25 , @chriswags21 and many other special guests at we raise money to help find a cure for Autism. Check out @autismawarenesssummerfest to purchase your tickets! summerfest boston bostonevents concert fundraising bruins hockey autism nonprofit fitboxboxingfitness […]