
Tagged: fight

Youths putting in work at @fitboxboxingfitness . #Boxing #fun #fitnessmotivation #fight #fit #exercises #workout #conditioning #training #smallgroup #sweetscience #skills #Fitbox #Dedham #Boston #youth #kids #active www.fitboxdedham.com

May 4th, 2017 | fight

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Train with the best ! Contact us at www.fitboxdedham.com to Sign up for your Free Boxing session . #Dedham #Boston #fitness #workout #fight #fun #inshape #exercise #formandtechnique #sweetscience #boxing #nhl #athletes #offseason #work #free @tommymcinerney

March 1st, 2017 | fight

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Congrats to @tombrady and the @patriots for staying in the #fight and coming out on top for #5 #2017 #SuperBowl #51 #Houston #Boston @gillettestadium @tb12sports

February 6th, 2017 | fight

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Free 1-on-1 Boxing Session at WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM #Dedham #Boston #Boxing #weightloss #conditioning #training #fitness #fight #fit #exercise #adult #youth #kids

October 21st, 2016 | fight

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#Repost @tommymcinerney ・・・ Slip bag – Slipping is the art of defending against a punch by moving slightly out of the way instead of blocking it ur setting up for a #counterpunch. The #knockout is the best move you can make offensively, slipping is the best move you can make defensively. @fitboxboxingfitness #Boxing #SweetScience www.fitboxdedham.com #Dedham #Boston #fight #fit #fitness #workout @miketyson

September 30th, 2016 | fight

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At #FitBOX everyone get’s the experience of a great trainer / fighter relationship without ever having to do competition. WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM #Dedham #Boston #EverybodyWins #Boxing #Boxer @mannypacquiao #Boxing #Trainer @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub @tommymcinerney #mittwork #padwork #sweetscience #fitness #fight #fit #workout #skills #athlete #training #crosstraining

September 27th, 2016 | fight

At everyone get’s the experience of a great trainer / fighter relationship without ever having to do competition. WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM @mannypacquiao @freddieroach @wildcardboxingclub @tommymcinerney View on Instagram

#Repost @tommymcinerney WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM ・・・ #Youth #Boxing #Fitness is a great way to teach kids patience, discipline, and self confidence at the same time they are having #fun picking up these important qualities without them knowing it. #Dedham #Boston #fight #fit #workout #sweetscience #kids #life #birthday #party

September 23rd, 2016 | fight

@tommymcinerney WWW.FITBOXDEDHAM.COM ・・・ is a great way to teach kids patience, discipline, and self confidence at the same time they are having picking up these important qualities without them knowing it. View on Instagram

#Repost @tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ #Repost @gleasonsgym #TRUTH #Boxing www.fitboxdedham.com #Dedham #Boston #fight #fit

July 7th, 2016 | fight

@tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ @gleasonsgym www.fitboxdedham.com View on Instagram

Congratulations to One of my toughest clients Milan Lucic on signing with the @edmontonoilers @nhl #Boxing #offseason #professional #Athlete #Hockey #workout #fight #fit #fitness #inshape #Boston #Dedham www.fitboxdedham.com

July 1st, 2016 | fight

Congratulations to One of my toughest clients Milan Lucic on signing with the @edmontonoilers @nhl www.fitboxdedham.com View on Instagram

#Repost @tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ We all need to #punch something at some point to feel better . Sign up Now at www.fitboxdedham.com for a #Free 1-on-1 #Boxing Session where learning #boxing helps you with the day to day #Life #Fight . #fitness #stress reliever #workout #fit #everyonefights #Boston

June 26th, 2016 | fight

@tommymcinerney with @repostapp ・・・ We all need to something at some point to feel better . Sign up Now at www.fitboxdedham.com for a 1-on-1 Session where learning helps you with the day to day . reliever View on Instagram