Still time left to pick up that last minute gift . Text or call us at (781)727-9503 for more information. . boxing fitness christmas giftcard present holiday workout exercise cardio conditioning weightloss fight fit Boston Dedham legacyplace boxingtraining boxingtrainer fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

The most important part of boxing is the basics . A good boxing trainer always goes back to the basics . The right form & technique will teach you how to throw your punches from starting with your legs first then your hips/core and then your arms . Boxing trainer @tommymcinerney will drill this into […]

Check it out . Get on the schedule Today and see all the different benefits boxing has to offer to make you feel great . . boxing fitness boxingtrainer boxingtraining @feelgood feelgreat sweetscience newyear workout workouts exercise weightloss bestofthebest punch ko selfdefense trainer training Boston Dedham fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

Give the Gift of Fitness . What better gift to help someone jumpstart the New Yearβs Resolution. Boxing with @tommymcinerney . . fitness cardio conditioning weightloss christmas newyear gift giftidea boston dedham workout boxingworkout boxingtraining feelgood exercise sweat fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

Tired of those over crowded gyms where you canβt find a heavy bag to yourself or get a turn on the PadWork sessions . FitBOX studio answers all those problems so you can learn the proper way to move and throwing the punches .. . boxing fitness sweetscience boxingtraining boxingclass boxingworkout exercise workout cardio padwork […]

Itβs that time of year to get that special someone the gift they always wanted. Contact us Today and find out the special Savings we have to offer when purchased. (781)727-9503. . boxing gift xmas christmas savings fitness oldschool boxingtraining boxingtrainer exercise boxingworkout workout workoutmotivation newyear feelgood Dedham Boston fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

Boxing is a intimidating sport to start, at FitBOX more then half of our clients are beginners . So there is no excuse not to come in and give it a try . Contact us for a FREE Boxing Workout Today with @tommymcinerney . (781)727-9503. . Boxing boxingtraining boxingtrainer fitness fit fight exercise boxingworkout workout […]

A good stance in boxing provides Balance, and is the key to both attacking and defensive techniques. Boxing @tommymcinerney . fitbox boxingworkout boxingtraining boxingtrainer fight fit exercise workout trainer crosstraining crossfit athlete dedham boston sweetscience oldschool fasting weightloss fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

Weights are a great way to make the muscles strong but Boxing builds the confidence and makes your mind strong . Sign up Today for a free boxing workout , Contact is at (782)727-9503 or email [email protected]. @tommymcinerney View on Instagram

Weights a great to make the muscles strong but Boxing builds the confidence and makes your mind strong . Sign up Today for a free boxing workout , Contact is at (782)727-9503 or email [email protected]. boxing confidence endurance cardio fitness workout exercise strength Dedham Boston @tommymcinerney boxingtrainer boxingtraining model inshape weightloss feel good fitboxboxingfitness – […]