As soon as the wraps are on it’s go time. Now’s the time to add boxing with @tommymcinerney to your weekly workout routine. Check us out . boxing . . . conditioning fight fit everybody therapy girlfight trainer train training workout exercise lifegoals badass confidence cardio stressrelief punch ko knockout boxlife lifestyle boston dedham getit […]

The Boxing studio that you never know who you might be training before or after when you work with one of Boston’s best boxing trainers @tommymcinerney, boxing trainer to some of Boston’s Elite Pro Athletes . Check it out and learn why they all go to him. . View on Instagram
The Boxing studio that you never know who you might be training before or after when you work with one of Boston’s best boxing trainers @tommymcinerney, boxing trainer to some of Boston’s Elite Pro Athletes . Check it out and learn why they all go to him. . #Boxing #Athlete #offseason #training #bestofthebest #boston #dedham […]

Dedham’s private boxing studio . Check it out www.fitboxdedham.com to learn more . fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram