Sign up Today and do a workout just like some of the Great fighters do to stay in the best shape before a World title fight and try a Free Boxing Mittwork session with @tommymcinerney. Contact us Today at (781)727-9503 or email [email protected] . . boxing fitness miketyson fight fit workouts workout Boston Dedham @hboboxing […]

The Spring is coming !! , Now’s the time to Sign up for a FREE Boxing Workout and add it to your weekly workout routine . Contact us at (781)727-9503 or email at [email protected] for more information. . . . boxing fitness inshape weightloss cardio conditioning hiit workout boxingtraining workouts boxingtrainer stressrelief performance motivation crosstraining […]

Now that the High School winter sports are over what better way to keep in shape and add the best full body workout to help build a better Athlete during the Off-season then Boxing. Sign up Today to try a FREE Boxing Workout at (781)727-9503 . www.fitboxdedham.com . . fitness offseason conditioning highschool sports athlete […]

A lot of athletes use boxing to help them stay in shape and keep their footwork /fast twitch muscles sharp especially in the offseason. Today Head tennis pro, Magnus Nicklasson , from Brookline Longwood Tennis & Cricket Club put in a great boxing mittwork session letting those hands go with @tommymcinerney . Boxing @lccgrounds tennis […]

Let’s change that weekly workout routine up and check off one of those 2019 goals. Sign up for a FREE Boxing Workout located in Dedham,MA at (781)727-9503 or [email protected]. . boxing with @tommymcinerney fitness 2019 resolutions goals boutique gym workout exercise workoutmotivation bestofthebest cardio conditioning weightloss feelgood sweetscience boston dedham realdeal mittwork padwork boxfit ring […]

You still got time , Last minute Boxing gift certificates available Today , Contact us at (781)727-9503 . Happy Holidays !! 🥊. boxing fitness christmas gift workout exercise weightloss holiday cardio getinshape feelgood lifegoals dedham boston makeachange therapy fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

Still time left to pick up that last minute gift . Text or call us at (781)727-9503 for more information. . boxing fitness christmas giftcard present holiday workout exercise cardio conditioning weightloss fight fit Boston Dedham legacyplace boxingtraining boxingtrainer fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

The most important part of boxing is the basics . A good boxing trainer always goes back to the basics . The right form & technique will teach you how to throw your punches from starting with your legs first then your hips/core and then your arms . Boxing trainer @tommymcinerney will drill this into […]

Give the Gift of Fitness . What better gift to help someone jumpstart the New Year’s Resolution. Boxing with @tommymcinerney . . fitness cardio conditioning weightloss christmas newyear gift giftidea boston dedham workout boxingworkout boxingtraining feelgood exercise sweat fitboxboxingfitness – View on Instagram

Tired of those over crowded gyms where you can’t find a heavy bag to yourself or get a turn on the PadWork sessions . FitBOX studio answers all those problems so you can learn the proper way to move and throwing the punches .. . boxing fitness sweetscience boxingtraining boxingclass boxingworkout exercise workout cardio padwork […]