Boxing Blog

#Repost @compete_sc ・・・ Please join us Saturday Dec 22nd to raise money for the Mass Fallen Heroes Foundation in honor of Sergeant First Class Eric Emond. 🏼 When: Dec 22nd 9:00am What: kick ass group workout followed by light refreshments Where: Here (@competeindoorsports) Suggested Donation: $20 Why: Because Sergeant Emond was an extraordinary man and we should help continue what he started: doing a better job of supporting the families of our fallen soldiers 🏼 #Repost @theoperationalathlete ・・・ Sergeant First Class Eric Emond, was killed on November 27th, 2018 while fighting in Afghanistan. Eric was my Senior 18 Bravo. An amazing Weapons Sergeant, Hard worker, a Smart ass, Friend, and Brother. Eric served as a Marine early in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Got his ranger tab as a Marine. He eventually ended up in the Army and we ended up on the same ODA, going to Afghanistan in 2009. While there, we were in charge of training and were both part of Alpha Team. The entry team. We were hard Chargers. Trained daily and went on a fuck ton of missions. Eric went home early that trip after we were ambushed and he suffered a massive TBI. I’ll never forget over the radio “Eric is down.” That hurt to hear and filled me full of rage. During that ambush he was knocked unconscious. When he woke we were still engaged in a 360 degree ambush. Eric emptied the .50 cal, the climbed into the gib and took control of the MK-47 Automatic grenade launcher. The K9 handler (not SF) was in the fetal position hiding. Eric emptied that gun into the enemy, reloaded, grabbed the K9 handler, then got back on the .50 cal and continued to engage. What a fucking warrior. Eric could have medically retired after that trip, but he did everything he could to get back into SF. It took years, but he never quit. That’s the kind of guy he was. During that time Eric helped start Massachusetts Fallen Heroes. An organization that gives back and honors those who have fallen and their families. He racked up a total of 7 combat deployments in the 21 years he spent in the military. That’s not even counting the countless trips elsewhere in the world. Eric leaves behind his wife a

#Repost @compete_sc ・・・ Please join us Saturday Dec 22nd to raise money for the Mass Fallen Heroes Foundation in honor of Sergeant First Class Eric Emond. 🏼 When: Dec 22nd 9:00am What: kick ass group workout followed by light refreshments Where: Here (@competeindoorsports) Suggested Donation: $20 Why: Because Sergeant Emond was an extraordinary man and we should help continue what he started: doing a better job of supporting the families of our fallen soldiers 🏼 #Repost @theoperationalathlete ・・・ Sergeant First Class Eric Emond, was killed on November 27th, 2018 while fighting in Afghanistan. Eric was my Senior 18 Bravo. An amazing Weapons Sergeant, Hard worker, a Smart ass, Friend, and Brother. Eric served as a Marine early in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Got his ranger tab as a Marine. He eventually ended up in the Army and we ended up on the same ODA, going to Afghanistan in 2009. While there, we were in charge of training and were both part of Alpha Team. The entry team. We were hard Chargers. Trained daily and went on a fuck ton of missions. Eric went home early that trip after we were ambushed and he suffered a massive TBI. I’ll never forget over the radio “Eric is down.” That hurt to hear and filled me full of rage. During that ambush he was knocked unconscious. When he woke we were still engaged in a 360 degree ambush. Eric emptied the .50 cal, the climbed into the gib and took control of the MK-47 Automatic grenade launcher. The K9 handler (not SF) was in the fetal position hiding. Eric emptied that gun into the enemy, reloaded, grabbed the K9 handler, then got back on the .50 cal and continued to engage. What a fucking warrior. Eric could have medically retired after that trip, but he did everything he could to get back into SF. It took years, but he never quit. That’s the kind of guy he was. During that time Eric helped start Massachusetts Fallen Heroes. An organization that gives back and honors those who have fallen and their families. He racked up a total of 7 combat deployments in the 21 years he spent in the military. That’s not even counting the countless trips elsewhere in the world. Eric leaves behind his wife a

Repost @compete_sc ・・・ Please...

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#Repost @giovanni_scandone・・・ ‘‘Tis the season for giving back… @anc_boston @bilt_official @punch4parkinsons @cardilloweightbelts @fitboxboxingfitness and RMS International have all teamed up for a very merry toy drive. Please drop off any unwrapped toy to @anc_boston for a child in need of some holiday cheer this Christmas Season. Thank you from all of us. 🏼️ #BILT2GIVEBACK #boxing #Boston #dedham

#Repost @giovanni_scandone・・・ ‘‘Tis the season for giving back… @anc_boston @bilt_official @punch4parkinsons @cardilloweightbelts @fitboxboxingfitness and RMS International have all teamed up for a very merry toy drive. Please drop off any unwrapped toy to @anc_boston for a child in need of some holiday cheer this Christmas Season. Thank you from all of us. 🏼️ #BILT2GIVEBACK #boxing #Boston #dedham

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It’s that time of year to get that special someone the gift they always wanted. Contact us Today and find out the special Savings we have to offer when purchased. (781)727-9503. . #boxing #gift #xmas #christmas #savings #fitness #oldschool #boxingtraining #boxingtrainer #exercise #boxingworkout #workout #workoutmotivation #newyear #feelgood #Dedham #Boston

It’s that time of year to get that special someone the gift they always wanted. Contact us Today and find out the special Savings we have to offer when purchased. (781)727-9503. . #boxing #gift #xmas #christmas #savings #fitness #oldschool #boxingtraining #boxingtrainer #exercise #boxingworkout #workout #workoutmotivation #newyear #feelgood #Dedham #Boston

It’s that time of year to get that special someone the gift they always wanted. Contact us Today and find...

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Boxing is a intimidating sport to start, at FitBOX more then half of our clients are beginners . So there is no excuse not to come in and give it a try . Contact us for a FREE Boxing Workout Today with @tommymcinerney . (781)727-9503. . #Boxing #boxingtraining #boxingtrainer #fitness #fit #fight #exercise #boxingworkout #workout #oldschool #feelgood #stress #relief #stronger #mind #Dedham #Boston #crosstrain #crosstraining

Boxing is a intimidating sport to start, at FitBOX more then half of our clients are beginners . So there is no excuse not to come in and give it a try . Contact us for a FREE Boxing Workout Today with @tommymcinerney . (781)727-9503. . #Boxing #boxingtraining #boxingtrainer #fitness #fit #fight #exercise #boxingworkout #workout #oldschool #feelgood #stress #relief #stronger #mind #Dedham #Boston #crosstrain #crosstraining

Boxing is a intimidating sport to start, at FitBOX more then half of our clients are beginners . So there...

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